Adaptation de l'œuvre de Harper Lee.
An unforgettable portrait of race and class, innocence and injustice, hypocrisy and heroism, tradition and transformation, in the Deep South of the 1930's, Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockinbird remains as important today as it was upon its initial publication in 1960, during the turbulent years of the civil right movement. Now this most beloved and acclaimed book is reborn as a graphic novel of rare artistic intelligence and visual skill by artist Fred Fordham.
[Résumé éditeur]
Adaptation de l'œuvre de Harper Lee.
An unforgettable portrait of race and class, innocence and injustice, hypocrisy and heroism, tradition and transformation, in the Deep South of the 1930's, Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockinbird remains as important today as it was upon its initial publication in 1960, during the turbulent years of the civil right movement. Now this most beloved and acclaimed book is reborn as a graphic novel of rare artistic ...
roman graphique ; anglais : langue ; adaptation d'oeuvre artistique ; crise de 1929 ; Etats-Unis ; préjugé ; courage